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National forum of pharmacy students (PSCWS) National forum of pharmacy students established in 2017 is a National Forum for Indian Pharmacy students . The Forum has a mission to improve the academic standards to make the students professionally competent when they pass out with a degree of pharmacy to secure their rightful respectable place on par with other healthcare profession.

Your donation to NFPS will help to be more strong.

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NFPS Main motive to develop our Pharma profession with the help of seminar/ awareness programmes etc. Because the youth is back bone of any profession. NFPS Represent with the potential of this country, Pharmacy Profession is deprived of the righteous status in the society and this might be because of the low number of initiatives taken up by the youth to enhance it. With some constructive thoughts we present to you, NFPS Student Forum, a collaborative initiative taken up by the Students pursuing Pharmacy with an aim to initiate and include the upcoming youth in the mission to strengthen the Pharmacy Profession in India.

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© National Forum of Pharmacy Student
Design & Develop by SanRoj